Advanced Communication Skills



Advanced Executive Communication Skills | In-Person or Virtual



Who is this for?

Our Advanced Executive Communication Skills program is designed for all business professionals, including executives. All participants must have taken either our Executive Communication Skills or Executive Communication Coaching program. This is a group program hosted in person at a location of your choosing or in a live virtual classroom.

Program Description:

This program is a build on our Executive Communication Skills program, with a greater focus on executive-level communication, storytelling in business, communicating under pressure, and effective whiteboarding. This program includes recorded practice exercises and active coaching.

Program Format:

  • In-Person: One full day (group of 12 per one coach).

  • Virtual: Two 3-hour sessions (group of four per one coach).

Materials Provided:

Participants will receive physical or digital program materials. Following the program, they’ll have access to their recorded practice exercises

Photo by shironosov/iStock / Getty Images


Complete the form below to learn more about our Advanced Executive Communication Skills program, inquire about pricing, or work directly with a coach to schedule your program.